Thursday, April 23, 2009

Silly Spring Days

We are loving this Spring weather! It's been "mostly sunny, with a chance of rain". The days of rain have been few and far between but when it decides to come down, it lets loose. I've driven through hail 3x in the last 4 weeks or so. We got over 5 inches here at the house last weekend and we needed it...since then, "Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun!". I'm one of those that would rather be hot than cold, so this Texas Spring weather and I get along great. We have been having lots of fun outside with the girls and are looking forward to having Reagan back home with us in June. Thought you would enjoy these pictures of us on our silly spring days! :)

I think this was one of those rainy mornings where we stayed inside. You never know what they are going to come up with next, one of them is always up to something. I think this was McKinley's idea...Taylor was not allowed on the bottom after the picture, just in case. :)

Taylor loves to dress up!

The Frog Trampoline is a hit at our house. The Speck Family gave it to the girls for their birthday one year, and they love it! They watch big sister do flips and turns, and try to do the same. McKinley watches very closely.


Kennedy AKA "Crazy Hair!"


I told you she watches very closely...loves to "thread the needle"

We've spent a few days at the park playing as well. I will say that as much as I love the summer and enjoy the heat, it's hard to do this during those really hot days. So we are trying to enjoy this as much as possible.
Please note the t-shirts...they match the personalities perfectly. :)

"Hello My name is CUTIE"

"Everyone loves a blue-eyed girl"

"I'm not trying to be difficult, it just comes naturally"

puckering up for some chapstick before going to the park
"This is my Princess Shirt"

And last but not least....some fun pictures from today...
We delivered some t-shirts this morning and then came home to play.
I always pick out the girls outfits. Sometimes I will let them choose how to do their hair. And most of the time, I let them pick the shoes they want to wear.
So this is what we got from Taylor this never know?!?
Top to bottom
St. Patrick's Day headband
nipple from baby bottle
sweet outfit from Teresa
sticker tags up and down her legs (you can only see one in pic)
one pink and one purple flip flop

And yes, I let her wear that out of the house (minus the nipple).
Somethings just aren't worth fighting over...I was choosing my battles today!

Taylor giving Kennedy kisses!
Sweet girls!!!



McKinley giving Madison kisses!


McKinley, Kennedy, and Taylor
Coudn't get all four together today :)

And after all of our fun outside...delivering, playing, and eating a picnic was nap time!
This tends to be my favorite part of the day, not sure why?! :) Most days, they all sleep at the same time, some taking a little longer to actually fall asleep and others sleeping a little longer. McKinley is usually the first asleep and Kennedy the last. And McKinley is usually the first awake and Madison the last. There are days that this doesn't go as mommy plans, which is why I hardly ever take a nap with them, because as soon as I plan that, without fail, someone doesn't nap. So this is what happened today....remember I said usually!
Kennedy and Madison sleep in their normal beds, in separate rooms. Taylor sleeps in a pack n play in the office and McKinley sleeps in a pack n play in our room. Like I said, McKinley usually falls asleep within seconds of her head hitting the pillow...but not today! She talked, yelled, got out of her pack n play and into our bed....and then.....
I'm standing in the kitchen, getting some dinner ready to cook in the crock pot, and hear a noise in the living room. I walk over towards our room to find this...

Yes, that's McKinley trying to sneak out of the room with the blanket over her head, as if I couldn't see her. She's not making a noise.... until I called her name...

She thought she was hilarious! I guess she was, as hard as I tried not to, she made me laugh out loud. That girl is going to be trouble!

We hope that everyone else is enjoying the weather and each other! Looking forward to a very nice weekend full of crawfish, softball, birthday party, March for Babies walk, and church!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thank You!

Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you!
4 times over...

I feel like we use those words so often, that they don't mean what they used to, although they are even more sincere than before. Does that make sense?

We are forever grateful for EVERYONE that has taken part of our lives during the last 3+ years and I pray that one day we will be able to "pay back" in our own way those that have "done for us".

As you can see to your left, our March of Dimes March for Babies goal has been surpassed...thanks to some very generous givers. I KNOW that this is not a great time of year to be asking for money (hints the reason I have kept the asking to a minimum). I know that many just cannot give right now, and that's ok. WE understand! But I do want to especially thank those that have, you have given to an organization that benefited our children, and many, many others.

The March for Babies Walk is this Sunday, so it's not too late to donate (we'd love to hit that 1500 mark--only 18 more $10 donations). Go to

And it's still ok for you to come walk with us. We sold 100 t-shirts and hoping at least 50 are able to walk with us. If you have a shirt and can't walk, try to still wear it on Sunday...we want Carter to "see brown from heaven" on Sunday. :) You don't need a t-shirt to walk, just come on out! It's gonna be a blast!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Belated Easter!

Time flew by this week, so as you can see I'm almost a week late posting, but couldn't pass up sharing these pictures. The girls had a great weekend as we celebrated Resurrection Day! As our 5 yr. old nephew, Logan, simply stated during our lunch prayer on Saturday, "it's not all about the Easter Bunny, but about how Jesus died on the cross". We focused on the true meaning but had fun with the eggs as well...
Saturday we spent the day with Robby's family. Reagan stayed the night with Nana and Papa the night before, along with her cousins, to make and decorate Easter cookies. The little girls also had a sweet surprise on arrival.
Here they are having to cover their eyes for the surprise...who's peeking!?
Kennedy, Taylor, Madison, and McKinley

Stuffed bunnies made with love from Nana!
Nana made Reagan, Logan, and Carrie the same bunnies for their 3rd Easter as well.
Randall, Logan, Wendy, and Carrie
That's a good looking family there!

It was non-stop fun ALL day long. First things first, Easter egg hunt!
Here's all our little bunnies...
Carrie, Reagan, Logan
(Reagan and Logan are 5 weeks apart, and Carrie is 15 months younger)
McKinley, Madison, Taylor, and Kennedy

We gave the little ones a couple minute head start and told the big ones to hold tight.
Then ready, set, go.....Reagan was off!

Nana and Papa's backyard is a great hiding place for eggs, lots of room to roam.

After all the easy ones were found, then it was time to really look.
"Nana, where is the egg?"

Reagan showing me her goodies.
Looks like Logan is stealing an egg, but he is actually giving one to Reagan...sweet cousin!

McKinley Jo
"What is that face for?"

Kennedy Lil
Cutie Patootie!

Madison Kay
Serious business looking for eggs.

Taylor Nan
"Look Mom!"

Nana and Papa with their 7 grandchildren...

Bestest of Cousins!
Showing off the cookies they made the night before and about to dig in!

Then it was time for the Easter tradition of making the Easter Bunny Cake.
This was the first year, the girls helped, and they loved it!

Of course, along with decorating the cake, means that some of the decorations will need to be tested out. Taylor was the official taste tester. She is giving Daddy "her look", as if to say, "Nana told me I could!". She can cut those eyes like nobody's business!

Easter Bunny Cake--Final Product

And then, last but not least, Easter baskets from Nana and Papa....lots of goodies!
Thank you!!

Getting some Papa Love!

It was a great day! Everyone had fun, including Daddy who got to watch a little TV, Mommy who was able to visit with Wendy, Reagan who enjoyed her quality time with Logan and Carrie, and the girls who were ultimately entertained!
Thank you Nana and Papa for EVERYTHING!
Then, the most important part of the on Sunday morning. We didn't make it to Sunrise Service, but snuck in for some breakfast. Robby played his part of one of the disciples for the last week, he was so ready to shave off that beard. Service was phenomenal!
Family Picture with the Cross of Flowers
Made with all fresh flowers brought by everyone that morning. We added some morning glories from Grandpa's house.

Mommy, Madison, Kennedy, Taylor, Reagan, McKinley, and Daddy

Then we finished off the day by spending time with my family at our house. We had some lunch, took naps, kids played, another egg hunt, and then time for bed! It was a great weekend!
As I get older, I love Easter more than ever. This holiday is amazing! God sent his ONLY son, to be CRUCIFIED on a cross, for OUR sins, and then ROSE again from the dead. If you don't truly understand this story, I challenge you to learn more. This is my ticket to heaven and I am FOREVER grateful for what He has done for me. His GRACE has set me FREE!
Do you know, that you know, that you know, where you are going when you DIE?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bluebonnet Pictures

If you live in Texas, it's the law to have your picture taken in the bluebonnets each and every year! Ok, not really, but you do feel guilty if you don't, at least I do. we go again...round 3!!
I thought it would only be appropriate to include the last two years along with this year's adventure. This was definitely the most fun and easiest. Aunt Jeni has always been my assistant for these pics, but I jumped the gun on her this year and went the day before we were supposed to go with her (timing was perfect and couldn't resist...sorry Jeni!)
April 2007
Reagan was 3 years old and the girls were 10 months old
Taylor, Reagan, Kennedy, McKinley, and Madison

April 2008
This picture barely happened. Our girls were not happy campers last year! We didn't get one picture of all five together.
Madison, Taylor, McKinley, and Kennedy

Big Sis, Reagan

April 2009
This year was a success!
Reagan is 5, and will be 6 in July.
The girls are 2 and will be 3 in June.

Kennedy, Taylor, Reagan, McKinley, and Madison

McKinley Jo

Kennedy Lil

Madison Kay

Taylor Nan


McKinley sitting on Reagan





Sisters Forever!
Kennedy, Taylor, Reagan, McKinley, and Madison

And last but not least, the girls with our sweet ECI friend, Teresa. She happened to be driving by and noticed 4 little monkeys all dressed alike on the hill and stopped to see us. What a sweet surprise! Our girls LOVE Mrs. Teresa!

So....the moral of the story.....even if your pictures don't turn out the best, it's still worth the effort. And if you don't live in Texas, you should come visit in April so you can take some pictures with our Texas Flower, the bluebonnet.
We missed you Aunt Jeni! Next year, right?!