Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Reagan Graduated...

...from Kindergarten this week!
I truly feel like it was just a few weeks ago that we were taking her for the first day of school. How does that happen?!? Ugh! Our little girl is growing up right before our eyes.
It was a fabulous year and as a parent, I couldn't have asked for better. The Lord was definitely leading the way! Her teacher was awesome, she made some great friends, and the staff met my expectations (and they were high). Thank you LSE!

Reagan had a Kindergarten Celebration on Tuesday.
They received their Certificate of Completion and sang a few songs on the stage. I'm including pictures and a short video because you have to see the facial expressions...she's a hoot! Although, she doesn't necessarily love being the center of attention, she enjoys being on stage and performing.

Reagan with her principal, Mrs. Fiaschetti

3 of the 7 kindergarten classes performed together on Tuesday.
Reagan is on the top row, 2nd one from the left.

First song they sang, "Jazzy Three Bears Rap"
This was the Papa Bear part...

Then the Baby Bear part...

And then the last song they sang was "Happy Trails To You".
Of course, I didn't have enough memory on my card to video the entire song, but you get the idea. It was very sweet!

Daddy and Reagan before leaving the house that morning.

Reagan and Mommy
I know, shocker, I'm actually in a picture!?!
I love that kid!

Reagan and Grandma

Nana and Papa with Reagan

Nana and Papa with all five girls
Little sisters LOVED watching big sis on stage. They were so proud!
Reagan waved to Kennedy from the stage at one point, and Kennedy could not stop smiling, she was beaming from ear to ear!

Note: the girls are all wearing Reagan's hand-me-down dresses. :) They are about the age that Reagan was when they were born so we started buying and saving Reagan's clothes, knowing one day they would be worn again... it was hard to imagine at that time though.

McKinley, Taylor, Nana, Reagan, Papa, Kennedy, and Madison

And Reagan with her two sweet friends, Megan and Julianne
These three were close buddies all year long!

So since Reagan officially "graduated" from Kindergarten and today was her last day of school, Daddy told her we could celebrate with a "date night". Although, she doesn't like to call it that anymore (she says, that's what mommy and daddy do, not little girls) so we call it a "Reagan Night" now. :) She chose to go to Incredible Pizza, so we dropped the girls off at Grandma's house and went to celebrate with our big 1st grader!

Reagan playing Air Hockey

Reagan scoring on Daddy

Reagan played her first game of putt-putt golf, and LOVED it!
On the first hole, Daddy stood behind her and helped with her swing....hole in one!

Daddy and his "little" girl

Mommy and Rea Rea

This was one of Reagan's favorite games, skeet ball!

And couldn't pass up the Ms. Pac-Man game...ok, this one was for Daddy. :)

Daddy teaching her how to "aim and fire"!

And the "big winnings"!
Reagan earned a whopping 72 tickets to buy herself a bouncy ball and a plastic ring.
She was happy,
but even more happy that she got to spend some one-on-one time with Daddy and Mommy!
And we were the MOST happy!

Congratulations Reagan!
We love you THIS much!
Summer here we come!


Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...


Marsha Cashdollar said...

Congrats REAGAN!!! Skeet Ball is my favorite too!